Tuesday, April 4, 2017

I'm Running On Caffeine and Loud Music. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Buckle your seat belts, bitches!!!

It's time to bust shit up!!!!

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Actually, this GIF would totally go great with that story EverClear. Now I'm gonna have to read that again soon. 

Image result for i like it animated gif

So, I've been sick. I slept all of Friday and Saturday so I'm still not quite finished reading Cullenary Coupling.Image result for you're lazy animated gif

Nope. Totally serious.

Image result for totally? animated gif

It would appear that I will be shirking my responsibility, yet again, this week. 

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Gee, sorry. I didn't realize you'd be this upset.

Image result for have a valium animated gif

No, really! Everything's fine. I asked somebody to do recs for me again, this week.

Image result for katy perry elmo shirt animated gif

Yay! Right?

Image result for yay animated gif

See? You were worried for nothing.

Image result for Totally awesome animated gif

Who loves you? Who takes care of you?

Image result for cheerleaders snl it's me animated gif

You know, people have been telling me I'm crazy for a while now.Image result for i don't get it animated gif

Oh well, I'm still not feeling all that great. I only slept about four hours Sunday night and I've been awake since 6:30 Monday morning. Maybe that's why. 

Image result for i should probably go to bed animated gif

So, our amazing guest reviewer this week is the effervescent Denise Wilson (Coppertop) Johnson. Everybody give the little lady a big hand!Image result for applause animated gif

Take it away, Denise!

Blog Reviews for April 4, 2017



By: Write Sisters

Masen, rock star, had it all—until he didn't. Now, he's trying to rebuild his life, retrace his steps and, hopefully, do it all again, only right this time. Bella Swan had her heart broken, her confidence dashed, and her trust in love destroyed by Edward Cullen. It's taken her years to get over his betrayal, and now, having finally gotten her life together, he's back.

The Write Sisters have such a unique talent in writing their stories with so much depth, that you feel you truly know the characters, have been to the locations described, and feel the emotions as if they were your own.

UNPLUGGED is five chapters in and paints a dismal state of affairs for our poor Masen.  The author presents a vivid picture of the story of a disillusioned rock star, who has the baggage of a cutthroat manager, a disappointed father, and the girl that was left behind.

The story follows on the successful heels of the author’s first exquisite story Counsel, promising a story of torture, and much anticipated happiness.


Completed:  34 Chapters, 59,584 Words

Without A Smile
By: melistories

"I hardly slept last night as it was. Mr. Cullen ran out of the office shortly after I stopped and I thought about boxing up my things but decided to wait until I was officially fired before doing anything rash." "You mean rash like breaking out in a song-and-dance routine in front of your boss?" Rosalie snickered.

She is quirky, and he is confused.  A wonderful story that will have you smiling and shaking your head days afterward.

Bella is Edward’s Administrative Assistant with a flair for showtunes, theatre, and of course, smiles.  She is protective of her boss, often fending off the unwanted advances of the Triplets of Bitchville (read and discover).

You will love this author’s Tanya, and may even come away with a craving for falafels (you are warned).

It is a heartwarming story that gives you the warm and fuzzies causing a sigh of hope and contentment.  And who doesn’t need that nowadays?


Completed:  45 Chapters, 132,442 Words

The Maiden and the Maid

By: AgoodWITCH

Heavy is the head that wears the crown, noble the ill-prepared to turn it down. Bella is no one, a lady's maid at a girl's school until the princess she serves changes her life with a choice she would never make herself. Now she sets off into a world she doesn't know, betrothed to a man who will never know her.

Loosely mimicking the Prince and the Pauper, Bella is a lady’s maid who soon finds herself in the service of the Princess Isabella, for whom she was named.  When the two begin to realize some of the anatomical similarities between them, a plan is formed by the Princess to perhaps finally escape her gilded cage.

It doesn’t take long for our lady’s maid to realize she may have bitten off more than she can chew.  A quick education, attempting to skillfully fool the royal family, and an arranged marriage, are just some of the hurdles our maid must jump.

Will she clear the hurdles, or is she doomed to be discovered.

The author takes us on a suspenseful journey, only to throw in a surprise detour that I did not see coming.


Wow, Denise, great recs. I've read Without A Smile and I loved that story. I'll be throwing the other two stories you've recced up on top of my TBR mountain, for sure.

So, that's it for this week, everyone. I want to thank Coppertop Johnson for rescuing me and apologize to everyone for not doing it myself. 

I am gonna go examine the inside of my eyelids for, oh, I don't know, the next 12 hours.Image result for I've got a date with my mattress animated gif

Have a great week and. . . 

Image result for bill and ted be excellent to each other animated gif


  1. Another wonderful week of gifs and wit. Now....go to bed. :D

    1. Thank you. I am going to shortly. :)

    2. Great Job! I have without a smile already saved. I'll have to save the other two.

  2. :) This always makes me smile and gives me a headache!
    Sensory overload for sure.

  3. You're definitely crazy! I couldn't be awake that long, I think I'd die. I like the recs, I'll have to get on them.
