Sunday, September 25, 2016

Be Gentle With Me

Hi, everybody!

My name is BeLynda and I am a fanfic addict. I'm a smut slut, an angst whore. I'm a lover of yummy fluffy goodness and I am not ashamed.

My fic name is SarcasticBimbo and I read my fic on, mostly. However, I also read on TWCS and on FictionPad. But my go-to site is

I've written a few little things, and even started my own multi-chapter fic, but I stalled out because my main love is reading. I love to read. I spend pretty much every waking minute sitting at my computer reading.

What do I read? I'm glad you asked me that. I read fan fiction. Twilight fan fiction, to be exact. I love the characters of Twilight so much that I spend pretty much all my time reading about them in all their different configurations.

I belong to a bunch of different Facebook groups, and I am always recommending fics on those groups. People seem to like when I do that, and I miss the International House of Fan Fiction blog, so I decided to start my own. I plan to post once a week, but it may vary. I hope you like what I do here. I welcome your feedback and I plan to invite one or two people to make fic recs every week, as well.


  1. Thank you for this site and I look forward to your rec's each week.
    Helen x

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you've enjoyed the stories I've selected, so far.
