Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Good morning, Fic Lovers. I hope life is treating you well, today.

I started this blog because I miss the International House of Fan Fiction. There was just something about their blog that made me happy and I read it every time there was a post, once I discovered it. It's left a pretty big hole in how I get my fic recs. I know there are other blogs out there, and I'm not dissing any of them, but there was just something about the IHOFF that made it a cut above the rest. I hope that I can come close to filling the hole that they left to your, and my own, satisfaction.

On this inaugural Temptation Tuesday, I'm going to explain how I found fan fiction. Later, in my first recs post, I'll give you a few of my firsts. I think that seems fitting, don't you?
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Good. I'm glad you agree with me. Thanks for playing along.

I first need to state that I came to the fandom rather late. It was the summer of 2012 before I discovered fan fiction. I didn't see any of the movies or read any of the books until late in 2011. It was my intention to avoid reading the books until after I had seen all the movies, because I. Hate. Waiting. Between. Installments. And I had owned the series in hardcover for over a year without reading it.

So it was my intention to wait until all the movies were out on DVD so I could just watch them in one long marathon, right? Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Then I saw the trailer for Breaking Dawn Part 1. Specifically, the part in the trailer where they show Bella in the casket? I know, right???? Well, you know I just HAD to find out what happened. So I read the entire series in three days. I think I slept a total of seven hours that weekend.

Seriously, that was one of the best weekends I've ever spent.
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I was able to go on with my life after I spent that weekend devouring the Twilight saga in its entirety. Barely.

I found myself becoming mildly obsessed with it. But really, who isn't, right? I mean, it's Edward and Bella! (We are Jacob haters here, folks. Get used to it.)

So, it was probably October of 2011 when I read the Twilight saga for the first time. In March of 2012, a family member needed a live-in babysitter for her kids, and as I didn't have a job at the time, I volunteered. They. Didn't. Have. Cable. So I read the series, one right after the other, over and over, for about four months straight. Yes. I was that bored, otherwise.

Well, I was kind of bored with reading it over and over (BLASPHEMY!!!) so I decided to get on the Stephenie Meyer website on my phone and noodle around for a bit, which I did. Can I just say, she totally should have left in the part where Jasper helps blow dry Bella before the prom while Alice and Rose were helping her get ready. That was some funny stuff.

But that's not my point. My point is that after I oh-so-innocently wandered on to Mrs. Meyer's site, I discovered the amazing awesomeness that is Midnight Sun.

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So, I read Midnight Sun, not ever expecting it to just end where it did. I mean, WTF????

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Why would she do that to me?!?

I was desperate for the end of Midnight Sun. I felt like a junkie looking for a fix. I just had to see the rest of that story from Edward's point of view. My very sanity rested on it. But it wasn't there. What could I do?

I did what every self-sufficient bitch does. I Googled the fuck out of that shit. I typed "End of Midnight Sun" in the search bar and a few hundred thousand hits came up so I clicked on one that looked promising.

That click led me to Scrib'd and a document that said it was the end of Midnight Sun, so I read it, thinking that because it said Midnight Sun Continued, it was Stephenie Meyer. I know, right? I was pretty stupid. I had no idea fan fiction even existed at this point.

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Anyway, I read that and enjoyed it, but at that point, I still thought it was Stephenie who wrote it. There were more links, so I clicked on one of them and that was a link for the same thing on fanfiction.net. And then I was like,

what woah confused surprised keanu reeves

So, that is my story of how I discovered fan fiction and my deep love for all things Edward and Bella. My recs post will post later today or early this evening.

Until then,

christiangrey 50shadesofgrey GIF - christiangrey 50shadesofgrey latersbaby GIFs


  1. Lol, I discovered fanfiction pretty much the way you did looking for the end to midnight sun. I first saw twilight back in June of 2008 and fell head over heel in love. I had never read any of the books and new moom wasnt coming out until the next year I think so I went to Walmart the next day and purchase the series because I had to know what happened next. When that was done I was still thirsty for more. My first fanfic was A love with no limits by angelattwilight

    1. I love that. Thank you for telling me your fanfic discovery story.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Patty Rose was the first fanfic author I read on FFN. Lucky me!

    1. For some reason the comments are duplicating. LOL. Thanks for telling me that. :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I found Fanfiction the same way. My daughter raved about these fabulous vampire books and recommended I read them. I got the first one from my local library then bought all of them the next day and read the rest. I then googled them, found Midnight Sun on Stephanie Meyer's website and tried desperately to find a finished book - with no luck. Googling again, gave me Fanfiction and I've not read anything else since then despite my growing book list on my kindle.
    I have to admit I wasn't as keen on the films as I was the books and since then I've read them all a 'few' more times.
    I'm totally obsessed with a fictional character and can't see that stopping
    There are so many authors I like that I could never choose just one story. Love LyricslKris, debrotuno, Robzbeanie and a million others
    May Twilight Fanfiction never die - I wouldn't know what to do next.
    I am trying my hand at writing now so maybe one day someone will like what I've written enough to comment on it
    Until then I'll keep Twilight alive!

  6. Thank you for telling me how you got into fanfiction. I love those same authors. I love LyricalKris so much I have her words tattooed on my upper arm. I have read, maybe, five non-fanfiction things since 2012...and that's a big maybe. fanfiction.net is like this enormous library that never closes and never runs out of books to read and is available to me any. time. I. want. it.

    What could be better than that, right?

    I've even spent money on pulled to publish former fanfiction. But not Fifty Shades of Grey...I did buy Grey when it was 99 cents, but I've read MotU twice so I don't need to read those published stories. That being said, I always think EPOV is better than any other POV so I had to buy Grey so I can read it but substitute all the Twilight names while I'm reading it. :-)

  7. I know what you mean about Midnight Sun, I really wish she would finish it because honestly it would be the best out of the whole series.
    I remember finding Midnight Sun online and downloading to my ibooks about midnight one friday in March about 6 years ago and then i didn't sleep for 42 hours so i could finish it.
    That is a true story.

    1. I love these stories of how people discovered MS and fanfic. :-)

  8. I bought the first book 2008 for my daughter, but she didn´t want it, so I read it myself. The next day I bought the other books and I was in love. Since then I have seen the movies probably 20 times. On youtube I looked for Twi-Videos and so discovered the trailer "Wide Awake".
    That was my first FF and like you, I can´t even remember which other books I´ve read or at least finished! (Except "Outlander" I am seriously reading all the books again at the moment.)
    And all the music I discovered through recs of the writers! And also the movie OSTs. I must admit, that still gives me some fulfillment, discovering all this new music, through all those new stories.

  9. I think I've only read one original fiction book in the past 4 years that wasn't originally a Twific. And I was plugging Twi-character names in all the way through it. I may never be able to read another 'real' book again.
