Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday Temptations

Good evening, all. I hope your Tuesday has been fantastic and you're all treating yourselves well.

Since this is my first Tuesday Temptations, I thought I would recommend a few of my firsts in fanfic. I hope you all are on board with this because if you're not, you're gonna be disappointed.
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I have been pre-reading and acting as beta for a few authors for a while, now. The first person who asked me to act in a pre-reader capacity was Shadow Masen. We struck up a friendship when she was still writing and posting her fic, How to Forget. She liked my comments and insights when I reviewed so she asked me to pre-read Come Back Tomorrow for her.
Image result for come back tomorrow banner

Summary: Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly in the path of the best things that will ever happen to us.

What can I say about Come Back Tomorrow?

Come Back Tomorrow is an exquisitely written story that gives us a look at the life of a young man, Edward Cullen, who is a terminal cancer patient. He is alone, with no family or friends to support him through his final days, until he is befriended by one of the staff psychologists that work for the hospital where Edward is being made comfortable in what he has decided will be is final days.

Bella Swan is the staff psychologist who wants Edward to have someone who cares about him with him while he goes through the final stages of his life.

He resists her efforts to befriend him, at first. But finally, he allows her to keep coming back tomorrow. In the process, they fall in love. Edward is near death when Bella finds out that it doesn't have to be that way and Edward knew it all along.

Come Back Tomorrow is full of exquisite angst, a little fun and fluff, but most of all, it's full of a love story that overcomes everything, even death.

You can read Come Back Tomorrow here:


The second story I want to recommend tonight is The Screamers by KiyaRaven. The Screamers is my first boomerang fic. I know that it is the story I have read the most times. I've read it 7 or 8 times by now.

Summary: Street kid. Rockstar. Worlds apart and yet so similar. Sometimes fate throws people together for a reason, and sometimes two people that rub each other the wrong way make the best sparks. 

I absolutely adore The Screamers. How can you not love a story where the main characters call each other Piss-girl and Asstard?

Edward Cullen is a rock star who is chased by screaming girls wherever he goes; hence the name The Screamers. Edward is a recovering drug addict who has quite a few demons in his past. He is out to get a pack of cigarettes one night when he is spotted by some screamers and chased into an alley where he promptly steps on a girl who is sleeping there, pissing her off in the process.

While they are talking, she passes out because of a head injury she received earlier so Edward takes the girl, Bella Swan, to his hotel to make sure she is okay.

When she wakes up, she meets Edward's sister/manager, who promptly offers her a position as his handler.

The Screamers has comedy, drama, and angst. But the best part of The Screamers, in my humble opinion, is that Robert Pattinson is also a hilarious character who gives Edward some competition when Edward goes all New Moon on Bella during the angsty part of the story.

The Screamers pretty much has everything going for it and I will be re-reading it for years to come.

The Screamers can be found here:


The last story I want to recommend tonight, on my inaugural Tuesday Temptations is Inhuman Nature by the incomparable LyricalKris. Summary: This is the story of two vampires. One sinister monster who collected the humanity of others. One who struggled to find the humanity he lost. This is the story of one human. Victimized by one, saved by the other, thrown into the middle of a myth, saddled with a secret terror of one monster she could only share with another. You don't need to be human to be humane.

LyricalKris can do no wrong, IMHO. She is a consummate artist and her work transcends fanfiction into the realm of the finest literature.

Inhuman Nature is a WIP (work in progress) vampire story. This may not be the first vampire story I've ever followed, but I think it may be the first fic that I've felt so unsettled and disturbed after almost every chapter I read.

Most of the characters in this story are slightly out of character from what we're used to in canon Twilight and canon fanfiction.

It is the Cullen family, without having had Jasper and Alice meet up with them in the 1950s. All of the members have jobs, rather than having the "kids" repeating an endless cycle of high school and college.

The Cullens in Inhuman Nature are still "vegetarian" vampires, and are out hunting one day when Edward comes across a vampire (Jasper) who is watching a pair of humans who are out camping.

What our favorite mind-reader sees in this vampire's mind disturbs Edward so much that he insists that Jasper leave the area immediately. So Jasper does.

He moves on to Seattle and is at a mall when he is run into by a small child who is trying to find Santa. He decides to help the child find her mother or caregiver. When they find the child's caregiver, a young woman named Bella Swan, Jasper sees something in her that intrigues him, so he decides that she will be his newest victim.

Jasper kidnaps Bella, and proceeds to treat her just like he's treated all his past victims. He doesn't merely drink from them, kill them and dispose of their bodies. Jasper keeps them for weeks, even months at a time. Drinking from them multiple times, each time sucking his venom from them to prevent turning them. As he does this, he uses his empathic abilities to feel their every emotion so he can get to know them, preserving them in his perfect vampire memory for all eternity.

But what Jasper sees as noble or heroic, Bella points out to him as barbaric. When she stands up to him, Jasper decides her wants for more than what her blood can do for him so he decides to let her go.

You'll have to read the story to find out the rest, but I can tell you that LyricalKris gives us such descriptive writing in this story that you feel every bit of emotion that every character feels. Chapter 16, in particular, is a masterpiece of Kristina Sanchez's writing ability.

Inhuman Nature can be found here:



Well, I hope you check out these recommendations. If you've read them before, you should try reading them again. I always find I missed something the first time I read a story, so a second time always lets me see something new. If you haven't read any of these stories before, I think you will enjoy them.

Have a great week. See you next Tuesday.

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  1. Oh come on with the clown! Lmao. Come back tomorrow is one of my very favorites.

  2. I really enjoyed Come Back Tomorrow and How to Forget by Shadow Masen. An author on the way up in my opinion but Screamers by Kiyaraven I couldn't finish which was a shame as I Loved Grasping Darkness. But to each there own i suppose.
    At the moment i am reading Because of a Boy by cutestkidsmom and what a joy it is.

    1. Each time I read The Screamers I like it a little less. The longer I read, the more I appreciate plot over lemons, but it will always be one of my favorite stories. I've read Because of a Boy, I really liked it. Right now, I'm reading Whenever You Call by Blueking141. I'm really liking it. I may rec it on my blog this coming Tuesday.
