Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Happy Tuesday all you beautiful people! How the hell are ya? You feel good? Everything all right?

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I swear I had a plan for today's blog. A theme, if you will. But, just now, I decided to scrap it and go in a completely different direction. You don't mind, do you?

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Dang! I'm sorry, okay?

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Anyway. . . as I said before, I had a theme for the blog today, but I scrapped it. I had originally intended to play with one-shots, but the friend who was going to play with me today had some real-life 
suckage (let's give her our positive mojo, shall we?) over the weekend and I had to make like a Marine. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

(Not an animated gif. I'm really sad about that.)

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I've decided to devote this week's Tuesday Temptations to what those of us who have been reading fanfiction long enough to understand the shorthand we use call WIPs. For those of you who have just discovered the wonderful world of fanfiction and may not understand the shorthand, WIP means work in progress.

Ah, the work in progress. . . before we go on, I have a public service announcement, a word of warning for you. Especially for all you newbies out there.

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If you want to save your sanity, if you really can't live with cliffhangers that may never be resolved, or you can't take angst, or you just hate waiting. . .

For the love of God, check that the story is complete before you start reading it!

You can ask any fanfiction reader who has been reading for more than a couple of months and they can tell you about a story that pissed them off or broke their heart. A tale of reading through twenty-two chapters and 300,468 words, only to come to the end of the posted chapters and it's been three years since the story
 updated. . . AND IT'S NOT OVER!!!!

Let's just say that it's enough to make you go from this. .

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to this. . .

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in less time than it took Edward to cross that icy parking lot and leave it at that, okay?

Now that I have properly warned you, in progress stories can also be like little surprises that come to you every day, depending on how many WIPs you follow and how often they update. And, let me just tell you that when you're following a story and the author is reliable and updates when he or she (let's face it, fanfiction, especially Twilight fanfiction is largely written by and for women) says she will, and that update comes in on schedule and puts you out of your misery from that cliffhanger last week. . . well, it's just a beautiful thing.

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So, for those of you who are brave enough to do it and like reading WIPs, this blog's for you!

First up, I just started reading this story yesterday, and it's only five chapters in, including the prologue, but I'm hooked.
It's called The Devil's Plan and it's written by ruinedbyrob. I've read one other story by her and it was fantastic so I'm sure that this one will be, as well. She's a great writer.

The Devil's Plan can be found here:
Summary: Banned from Heaven for thinking himself above God, Lucifer bides his time searching for a way to gain his reentry into Heaven and taking the throne of God for himself. He has waited centuries for the one he needs to be born. The lives of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are about to be changed forever, if they are not strong enough for the fight ahead, mankind will pay the price.
 Bella Swan and Alice Brandon are two best friends who go to Forks High School. Bella lives alone with her father Charlie because her mother abandoned them when she was around three years old. Now that Bella's a teenager, Charlie works nights a lot and Bella is always alone outside of school. Alice tries to be there for Bella, but her mom won't allow Bella to come over after school more than once a month.

Emmett and Edward Cullen are two brothers who move to Forks with their parents after Edward does something that disgraces the family. It hasn't been revealed what that was, but it has to do with his mother's friend Tanya and sex. Emmett is angry about having to move and hates Edward enough to never be in the same room with him because of it.

Jasper and Rosalie Hale are twins who just moved to Forks, as well. However, they are more than what they appear to be. They are really working for Lucifer, to find the prophesied humans who will help him escape from Hell and return to Heaven. 

Jasper and Rosalie set their sights on Edward just as soon as they find him. They are willing to use anything or anyone to achieve their objective. Because if they don't, they will suffer the wrath of Lucifer himself.

The next WIP I'm going to recommend today is called, Uncredited and can be found here:

Steal: to take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it, to dishonestly pass off (another person's ideas) as one's own, or to take the opportunity to give or share (a kiss) when it is not expected or when people are not watching.

Uncredited is a great story, although I'm really ambivalent about how much I am enjoying it. It's extremely well-written, and the author, shouldbecleaning, has been taking a lot of heat from me, and I imagine other people, over this Edward.

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And, people, I hate, I mean HATE to hate Edward. I haven't hated any Edward so much since I read Dusty.

Disclaimer: I hate the fic, Dusty, with the burning intensity of a thousand fiery suns and except for the fact that it's really well written and keeps you reading (in my case, it was only with the futile hope that the characters would redeem themselves in some way),  I will never, ever willingly say anything nice about it.

Uncredited starts with a prologue where Edward is contemplating how he's gotten to the point he's at. He remembers all the terrible things he's done and feels extreme guilt for them. Because the things he's done are truly horrible.
He has a really successful band you see and all of the members think that Edward wrote the songs. He didn't, at least, not by himself.

There are other things going on that make me hate Edward in this story. That's why I'm ambivalent about liking the story; because I really hate it when I can't like or love Edward. And in this story, I just can't. At least, not from what has been shown of how he treated Bella, so far. And at this point, I'm not sure there is going to be a way to ever care about him.

In any case, it's still a great story and you should really check it out. Fans of Dusty will probably love it. I just can't wholeheartedly love it, at least not right now.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I can't find a banner for Uncredited so I'm just gonna give you a little yummy Rob goodness.
. .
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The last story I'm going to delve into tonight is going to be a departure from all the gloom and heavy of the previous two mentioned stories. I just can't take all the angst, yo! So the last story for tonight is MVP by AKABrattyVamp, which can be found here:

"Baseball is 90% mental, and the other half is physical." -Yogi Berra

MVP starts out with a misunderstanding between our favorite couple, so they get off to a rather rocky start. It's really just a misunderstanding on Edward's part. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The story starts out with Bella going to a job interview. She outside of the office building where the interview is being held, when a small child drops a cup in which he's holding a bunch of bouncy balls.

There are thirteen of the balls, according to the child, and his caretaker is able to find all but one. Bella saw where it went so she decided to retrieve it for the boy and his caregiver. It had rolled underneath a rather nice car parked in front of the building. Bella was on her hands and knees bent over trying to reach for the ball, and the owner of the car came up behind her and demanded to know what she was doing. She told him she was looking for number thirteen and smiled at him.

The man was not impressed by this and frowned and walked away from her. Our plucky Bella shook it off, gave number thirteen to back to the boy and went in for her interview. She was to interview for the job of house manager for a client she didn't know the identity of. When she got into her interview, the man from outside was the person for whom Bella would work, Edward Cullen.

Turns out, Edward is a professional baseball player and his number is thirteen, so he assumed that Bella was a baseball groupie. Because of this, he vehemently refused to let the interview continue and she left. On her way out, she walked into the child's caregiver from before, who really liked Bella. Betcha can't guess who's sister she is and betcha can't guess who offered Bella that same job?

The story is light (so far) and fun and it's a blast to read. I can't wait for the next chapter to post.

So that's it for this week all you fic hotties out there!!!

I'll be back next week with another Tuesday Temptations. Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do and. . .

. .Image result for don't do anything i wouldn't do gif


  1. I'm reading the first two, better check out the third!

  2. It's a cute story. E thought B is a baseball groupie and then B thought E and A were married so they both assumed stupid shit. LOL
