Friday, October 28, 2016

Don't Take Me To Jail, But. . .

I have a confession to make. . .

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Sometimes, when I can’t find any good, active-on-fic-sites, stories that grab my attention. . .

I read pulled fanfics. There, I said it.

I have thousands of fics saved to my computer. When I come across a downloadable fic file, if I find out it’s been pulled, it gives me a little thrill to save it. If I read it, it’s an even bigger thrill. But, if it’s pulled and published. . . well, that’s just the biggest thrill of them all. And. . .

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Nope. I’m not sorry at all. In my humble opinion, once a fic has been on the internet and available for free, it should always be. That being said, I do purchase some of the stories that are published, whether I intend to read them or not. And yes, I have purchased these pulled and reworked-for-publishing stories and not read them. I also know that doing that is pretty much just throwing my money away. But it’s my money to throw away, right?

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Not really. I don’t have any money to throw, and if I did, I wouldn’t actually throw it away. I just like to support authors who are good to their fans.

Disclaimer: If an author is a heinous beast who treats their readers badly in any way, shape or form, not only do I not purchase their published work, I hand out copies of their pulled work like tic-tacs.

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Authors pull their stories for as many different reasons as there are fics. They might pull the story because they decided to re-work it so that it’s no longer considered a Twilight story and can be published as original fiction. If you can make money off of your work, that’s great.

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Some authors pull their stories because they were flamed by reviewers. Let’s face it. . . some of you bitches can be brutal. Image result for mean bitches animated gif But then again, some authors are really sensitive and just can’t take any kind of criticism, so while I hate that authors get flamed, I think it incredibly unfair that they decide to punish the flamers by pulling their stories.

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I get being hurt and discouraged because of mean people, but why punish those of us who enjoy your work? I mean, if you get ten good reviews and one really mean one, does that one really mean review negate the good ones?

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No matter which reason an author chooses to remove their works from online publishing sites such as or TWCS, they can’t control the fact that people are able to create PDF, epub and mobi files and save the fics they love while they area available on those sites. And because of sites like Perusing the Shelves, readers are able to upload those fics they deemed save-worthy. And that’s just awesome!

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Because, when I find out an author pulled a fic, I get a little obsessed with getting my hands on it. And when I say a little obsessed, I mean I go on a never-ending quest to find it. I ask around in all the Facebook groups. I Google for it. If it’s out there, I’m going to find it. I’m like this guy. . .

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. . .and once I have it in my hot little hand, or saved to my computer, whichever. . . I feel like, “Who found it?”

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And when I have a fic that someone else is looking for, I feel like. . .

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Wait. . . that’s the Avengers. What am I thinking? I’m not one of earth’s mightiest heroes. But if I was, I would totally want to be Black Widow. She’s badass!

My point is that I feel really good when I find an illicit copy of a pulled fic and I feel even better when I can give them to other people who are looking for them. But when I can’t find them I feel like Loki after. . .

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So tell me, do you have a list of favorite pulled fics? If so, I’d love to hear which ones made it to your top ten. If you have something I haven’t read, I’ll read it and review it in a future blog. That would be cool, right?

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Anyway, sorry to interrupt your week with this unscheduled blog post. We will now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

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See you next Tuesday!


  1. I love your gratuitous of the Avengers! I'm also jealous that you have so many fics.

  2. I can't help it if I love the Avengers probably more than I love Twilight. LOL. Let me know which fics you want and if I have it I'll give it to you.

  3. Girl, I love fishing for pulled fics. I have thousands saved but not a single title is coming to my mind at the moment.

    All I have to say is that being bad feels good ;)

    - Snow xo

    1. I have 1 fic I want to read right now but I can't right now because I have to figure out another couple of fics to rec on Tuesday's blog.

  4. My favorite pulled fics are the LolaShoes collection. Fortunately, she posed the compilation pdf on her own site, which was very cool of her. I've reread them an embarrassing number of times.

    1. I've read those. I doubt that I will ever read them again. Too little plot with the smut, IMHO. There's quite a fervent and vocal following for those stories, but I just don't get it.

      As of right now, my favorite PUBLISHED pulled story is Hunter & Prey (The Elusive Mr. Cullen) by Kira Barker (Daria Chenowith). I really enjoyed the fic, but she changed some of the stuff that happened when she published it that made it even creepier...and the sequel, which was never a fic, is just as good. LOVE THEM!!!
