Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hello, sluts and whores. You know who you are, and so does your conscience.

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So, since I never have any takers on the guest recs front, I'm going to go with recommending the entire body of an author's work.

A-hem. Listen closely people, I'm about to drop a truth-bomb on you. . .

LyricalKris can do no wrong.

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There, I've said it; out loud for all of my tens (I've had twenty-four page views today, October 9, 2016, so I'm very hopeful) of readers to read. It's out there on the interwebs, now. And I hope that everyone who reads this decides to give the Stories of LyricalKris a chance.


I'm going to give you all several reasons for my recommendation of Kris' stories, the first of which is that Kris can write anything. She has written stories for four different fandoms:  Twilight, Harry Potter, Supernatural and Captain America. 'ship the Stucky! 'SHIP IT!

(The blog author wants to let you know that while she 'ships the Stucky and always will, she is still #TeamIronMan all the way.)

Agent M Loves Gifs marvel captain america iron man captain america: civil war

Still, we're not gathered here today for this thing called the Captain America fandom, either. (RIP Prince)

I know what you're thinking, too many GIFs, right?

Image result for bitch please gif

You can never have too many GIFs.

Seriously, though, Kris is an amazing author. Her way with words is unparalleled. Just this afternoon, with the latest update of her soon-to-be-finished story, Playing Cops & Vloggers, she brought me to flailing hands, trying to keep the tears from flowing and happy, Alice Cullen-style jumpy claps.


So you're standing in line for coffee, minding your own business when a sexy cop with nerdy tattoos walks into your life. Soon, you have yourself a sexy, nerdy cop boyfriend who rocks your world. Cops can't be seen on social media, did you know that? Bella didn't. That was going to be a challenge considering she made her living as a vlogger who documented her so-called nerdy life.

What can I say to you about this story that will make you just stop reading here (wait, do I really want you to do that?) and run to read Playing Cops & Vloggers? Hmmmm?

So there's this girl, and she's quirky and geeky and fun. . . and she meets this guy, who is sexy and nerdy and just as much fun, but he can't be seen having fun on social media because of his job. They spend the majority of the story navigating around the landmines associated with keeping him away from her job and her from showing him during the times she's doing her job.

They also spend their time making delicious banter and being delightfully nerdy with each other. I really, truly love the nerdgasms that are brought with this story.

Playing Cops & Vloggers is a fun story to read, but don't let that stop you if you are a lover of angst because there is plenty of angst to be had with this story. While it's not the total angst-fest that Kris' story, Nightmare Before Christmas is (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10792152/1/Nightmare-Before-Christmas), there is still angst to be had. And oh, what delicious angst it is. For those of you who don't read WIPs, Kris said in her A/N today that she thinks she will have this wrapped up in one or two chapters, so you have something new to look forward to.

The next story I'd like to rec for you today, is very near and dear to my heart. This story is where I discovered how truly profound Kris' gift is:


Edward has spent all of his thirty-two years trying to be the man his grandfather raised him to be. When he wakes up married to a young, scared, pregnant stranger, this is one mistake he won't leave in Vegas.

Image result for banner picture for the story my biggest mistake my greatest salvation

Edward his lived his entire life to please the most awful person in the world, his grandfather, Edward Cullen the First. It seems that Edward's parents, Carlisle and Esme caught pregnant with him when they were just fifteen years old. Edward the First convinced them they were too young; unfit to raise a baby and to give the baby to him to raise. Poor Edward.

Bella was running from a recent past that would try to rain hell down on her once it caught up to her, especially since she was pregnant with that person's child. When Edward drunkenly proposed to her in Vegas, she thought he was the answer to her prayers.

When they woke up the next day, Bella expected Edward to be angry with her, but he's not. He offers her the chance to escape the escape the man from her recent past and stay married to him while she goes to school or works.

There are confrontations between members of Edward's family and Bella, and his grandfather is livid when Edward stands up to him for the first time in his life, but things start to go well for them until Edward's grandfather cuts him off from the Cullen family fortunes. However, Edward has made a fortune in his own right, so don't worry about those crazy kids.

My Biggest Mistake, My Greatest Salvation is a story where Bella gets her guy and Edward gets to rescue his girl. There is an HEA with lots of angst in the way of getting you there, but it's worth it.

Kris' words from this story are tattooed on my upper arm. The full line goes. . . Maybe that's what loneliness was, the quiet nameless ache of a soul looking for its lost half. (I have everything after the comma in my tattoo.)

I think of those words on an almost obsessive level. There hasn't been a day that's gone by since I first read those words, that I haven't thought about them and how well they illustrate the loneliness I feel in my life. And Kris voiced it perfectly.

My last rec for this week isn't for the faint of heart. Lost Half is dark, so dark that it could be an episode of Criminal Minds.


Even though she kept her feet on the ground, Bella always wanted to believe in the magic of true love. Edward could have taught her that kind of love existed. Too bad he showed up too late. Can you still find your soul mate when your soul has been completely shattered?

Keeping in mind that it's been at least a couple of years since I've read this story, Lost Half is a study in what should be the best of circumstances leads to the worst things that can happen to a young woman.

Pressured by her friends into joining a computer dating site, Bella sets up a date with one of her matches. After the date, he kidnaps her and holds her prisoner.

The founder and CEO of the site, By the Numbers, feels strangely responsible. For Edward Cullen, it's as if he alone were responsible for the way Bella's night with Mike Newton turned out.

What follows is a story as compelling as it is offputting. I found myself both wanting to stop reading and to consume each word like a wildfire lays waste to a national forest.

The psychological trauma Bella endures is horrendous. The physical abuse she suffers is nauseating. The combination of the two breaks her in a way that is literally heartbreaking to witness.

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Anyway, I think I have managed to give you three wonderful examples of LyricalKris' work. You really need to check her out, if you haven't already. She and her stories are gold.

That's it for this week's Tuesday Temptations, folks. Until next week, my lovelies. . .

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  1. I love Kris's work too. Amazing young woman. Great work on the blog!
